If Affiliated Kinesiologists choose to offer services remotely, their kinesiology interventions must respect the guiding principles of the CKA for online services and the PKA of the province in which the client resides.
The Affiliated Kin should be insured by PROLINK, who provided advice to Affiliated Kinesiologists on the question of providing services online. PROLINK can confirm with CKA / ACK affiliates and the leaders of the PKAs that an Affiliated Kinesiologist is covered under the CKA national insurance program if a member in one province provides advice and services over the Internet or telephone to patients in another province. The CKA's E&O and CGL policies cover members practising anywhere in Canada.
Should a Kinesiologist not be insured by PROLINK, it is recommended to verify the location/province in which their insurance coverage applies. Some policies do not apply across Canada.
The complicating issue is related to the scope of practice and registration within the provincial regulatory bodies. Although the scope of practice is the same across Canada, its application is different because health and/or kinesiology laws differ. The province where the patient resides typically determines the scope of practice that must be followed. For example, if an Affiliated Kinesiologist from B.C. was to provide service to a client living in Quebec, then this Affiliated Kinesiologist would need to be aware of all laws, rules, regulations, and restricted acts reserved by other professional orders in Quebec. Should an incident occur as a result of the treatment, it would be the Quebec courts and laws that would prevail. For this reason, it is encouraged to become a member of the FKQ (PKA) because it acts as the governing body in Quebec (of said province) until kinesiology is legislated. In provinces where there is no legislation specifically for kinesiology, laws, rules, regulations, and restricted acts are enforced by governmental agencies (e.g., SAAQ, Ministry of Health, CNESST). Another example: If an Affiliated Kinesiologist from Manitoba was to provide service to a client living in Ontario, then this Affiliated Kinesiologist would need to be registered with the College of Kinesiology of Ontario since this is mandatory in Ontario.
An Affiliated Kinesiologist needs to be careful when providing professional services that are reimbursed/paid for by a health insurer if the member is not registered to practise in the province where the patient resides. There is a possibility that the health benefit insurer will not pay for the services rendered if the Kin is not registered with the regulatory body in the province where the patient received the service. The health insurer could then consider issuing a complaint against the Kin in the province where they are registered to practise, resulting in a disciplinary investigation against the Kin. It is always more complicated when services are rendered across provincial borders using the Internet or telephone.
In British Columbia:
From the BCAK
Guideline for Telehealth Services
Telehealth Consent Form: https://bcak.bc.ca/documents/208/Sample-Screen-Covid-19.pdf
and tool: https://bcak.bc.ca/documents/210/COVID-Screen-Tool-April_6_2020.pdf
Note: In BC, online services are called telehealth services, not to be confused with the same term used differently in Ontario.
The Insurance Corporation of BC has also provided the following information:
“As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, we’re continuing to take steps to ensure the health and safety of our customers, partners and employees. We’re following the advice of provincial health officials and are working to support best practices in clinical care. Effective immediately until March 31, 2020, at which time a subsequent notice will be distributed, we will temporarily fund necessary telehealth sessions in place of standard in-person treatments. Telehealth involves telephone and video technology to provide health care remotely. Chiropractors, kinesiologists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists may offer telehealth sessions on an as-needed basis and according to their college or association guidelines, where available.
Telehealth services are appropriate when they provide therapeutic benefit and where the goals of the session are primarily addressed by: active exercise, functional progression, education, self management, self mobilization, or monitoring (such as for external signs of swelling, redness, etc.).”
From the FKQ
Guideline for Télésanté or Téléreadaptation
Note: In Quebec, online services are called télésanté (for remote health services) or téléreadaptation (for rehabilitation).