Kinesiologists in Canada participate in the Continuing Education Standards Program (CESP) to ensure their professional practice is up to date. This system is vital because knowledge, experience, and educational requirements within the profession change, and our profession is expected to remain current.
The CESP operates on a three-year basis. At the end of each three-year period, Affiliated Kinesiologists are required to submit a list, along with supporting documentation, of all accumulated continuing education credits (CECs). A total of 60 points over a period of three years is required to keep your membership in good standing (e.g., 20 credits per year, of which 70% must be in the scope of kinesiology and 30% in general activities). The cycle of three years to earn 60 credits begins with your first membership year. So if you became a member in 2021, then you have until the end of 2023 to complete your CECs.
If you are a member of the FKQ, BCAK, OKA, or AKA, your progression in continuing education must be reported according to their method. Contact your provincial kinesiology association.
If you are a member of the KAS, MKA, NBKA, KANS, KPEI, or NLKA or you are from the Territories, please complete your continuing education progression online on your profile using this link. Once entered in your profile, choose "My formations" in the menu on the left. Complete the form and save. You will receive a validation notice when completed.
CKA / ACK is not responsible for consequences and damages that may occur as an outcome of applying, or in any steps in the process or in the delivery of continuing education opportunities by Kinesiologists or the organization. It is to be stressed that the aim is to inform Kins of continuing education oppotunities.
To submit a continuing education opportunity posting, contact the CKA / ACK and send request and information to info@cka.ca. Fees: 400$ + taxes. Posting last 30 days.