Congratulations! The 7-day eMentalFitChallenge is complete!
The goal of this eChallenge has been to encourage you to look for active living strategies and opportunities as staying active is important in times of mental stress and anxiety brought on by this crisis.
Attention was drawn to matters affecting your mental health, and tools were provided to help alleviate stress, anxiety and to take a new perspective on happiness. This first eChallenge was the beginning of a process to take your physical health into account to maintain and achieve healthy mental health.
By now, you should have experienced the benefits of spending only a few minutes a day exercising, you have learned to implement strategies and use proven tools to reduce daily stress and anxiety levels to maintain a healthy mental state.
Love this eChallenge? Join the eMoveBetterChallenge on the National Kinesiology Week in November. Visit for more information.
Until then, the 4300 Affiliated Kinesiologists in Canada remain available to help you. Find a Kin near you by consulting the CKA Directory.
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance wish you best of luck.
CKA Team
Day 1: Five ways Kins can get you moving better to feel mentally stronger
Day 2: Staying Active During COVID-19
Day 3: Taking Care of your Mental Health
Day 4: Is There a Link Between Exercise and Happiness?
Day 5: Managing Stress
Day 6: Some Anxiety is Normal
Day 7: Exercise Resolutions