Mental Health - Bell Let's Talk Day
What Promotional Event/Material
are available to Kins?
In preparation for annual national events where CKA invites Kins to participate and to get involved in their province and community to increase awareness of the profession, CKA provides promotional resources, material and tools to Kins.
CKA also provides, from time to time, documents and other material to help Kins in the delivery of their services.
Please download and adapt the material at your convenience provided you respect the CKA copyrights.: Click attachments
2021 Bell Let's Talk Day
January 28.
2. Facebook and Twitter Images
3 themes: online, hockey, couple outsite
Let's Talk + With a kin, you can + supported by Kin
3. Facebook Image and Story Image
Let's Talk + With a kin, you can + supported by Kin
4. Social Medial - Mental Health Messages ready to use - Bell Let's Talk, CMHA, etc.
5. Posters - Bell Let's Talk + With a kin, you can + supported by Kin
6. eMail Signature - Bell Let's Talk + With a kin, you can + supported by Kin
7. Logos:
8. Videos: Comfort, Breath, Reach Out, Give, Be there, Support + CKA's Mental Health Video
CKA Mental Health Video (1min30sec)
Here are the themes of the 8 emails used in this eChallenge:
Day 1: Five ways Kins can get you moving better to feel mentally stronger
Day 2: Staying Active During COVID-19
Day 3: Taking Care of your Mental Health
Day 4: Is There a Link Between Exercise and Happiness?
Day 5: Managing Stress
Day 6: Some Anxiety is Normal
Day 7: Exercise Resolutions
Day 8: Congratulations
10. Blogs:
11. Articles:
- More evidence that exercise can boost mood, Harvard Women's Health Watch, May, 2019
- Lower risk of depression with elevated exercise, Health & Medecine, Harvard Gazette, MGH News and Public Affairs, November 5, 2019
- Why physical activity needs to be part of the mental health conversation, ParticipACTION, Steele Roddick, Oct 2018
12. Media: