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MKA & CKA encourages everyone to participate in events related to Kinesiology and its field of practice in Canada. One may get ideas on what can be done in their regions or communities to enhance and to promote kinesiology. Be active!


VRA BC Training Day and AGM

Join your VRA BC colleagues for the VRA BC AGM, as well as a valuable day of training that will earn you CEUs. This is our biggest event of the year and we hope to see as many of you in attendance as possible for a day of networking and professional development.

We will hear several carefully crafted presentations throughout the day relevant to psychoactive substances and the effects on employment, a timely topic as Canada edges closer to the legalization of cannabis. The Training Day will begin with a presentation on Substance Use Disorders, the Workplace, and You, by Dr. Paul Farnan. After a delicious lunch there will be presentations by Drew Demerse and J. Geoffrey Howard, Employment and Labour Lawyers and Nora Bryant of Cedars at Cobble Hill. 

Join us for our AGM at midday, when we will discuss the association's plans for the year ahead. If you are not able to attend and would like to vote at the AGM, please complete the Proxy Form and have your proxy presented to the registration desk no later than 30 minutes prior to the 12:00 pm meeting.

Registration includes lunch, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, and access to the AGM. If you have special dietary requests for the day please note this in the provided space when registering.   

We look forward to seeing you there; it will be an informative and fun day!


For those who are unable to attend the Training Day in person, we are pleased to offer a live webinar registration option so that you may attend from your home or work computer! Although attending in person would give you the advantage of networking and engaging with colleagues in the field, we are committed to improving accessibility to this event for those outside of the Lower Mainland and we hope that you will find this option a convenient alternative. Please select 'Live Streaming Registration' upon check out should you wish to attend in this way.

Details Register


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