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News about kinesiology

KANS & CKA encourages everyone to share information and latest news related to Kinesiology and its field of practice in Canada. One may get ideas to enhance and to promote kinesiology. Read all about it here!


New Canadian Report on Physical Activity

New Canadian report on Physical activity – A good opportunity for all us to promote what Kinesiologist do. The Federal Government has just released a new 'Vision' for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyles, May 31, 2018. This is something all kinesiologists should familiarize themselves with and recognize where they fit into the spectrum as the solution requires participation by all health professionals.

The Common Vision - A Canada where all Canadians move more and sit less, more often. Being physically active is key to good overall health and to preventing chronic disease. Levels of physical inactivity and sedentary living among Canadians are critical issues in Canada.  Never before has Canada had a singular policy focus on physical activity and its relationship to sport, recreation, health, and other relevant policy areas. The Common Vision is a new, collective way forward that will guide the country towards ways of increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living. It also includes a comprehensive set of six Areas of Focus for collaborative action. Each Area of Focus is further supported by strategic imperatives to help guide future planning and implementation. These strategic imperatives require collaboration and are outlined to help guide a collective approach to policies, planning, priorities and programming across Canada.

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