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News about kinesiology

KANS & CKA encourages everyone to share information and latest news related to Kinesiology and its field of practice in Canada. One may get ideas to enhance and to promote kinesiology. Read all about it here!


CKA Board of Directors elects new President

Further to the resignation of Ms. Hardip (Happy) Jhaj from the CKA Board of Directors, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance announces the nomination of Mrs. Kathie Sharkey R.Kin (ON), as its Board Chair-President. Mrs. Angelie Carter (PEI) has also been elected as Vice-President and Chair of the Governance Committee.

At this time, Happy has a lot of projects on her plate and wants to put forth all of her efforts in them. Board service is one of the toughest volunteer roles of all, and Happy performed with dedication and tenacity as a judicious steward of our organization. We thank Happy for her skill in handling the CKA Representation to the EIMC, especially for the advancement of the recognition of Kinesiologists. She has contributed greatly to the CKA with her knowledge and volunteering so much time.

We would be remiss if we did not thank her for her contributions. We would not have been able to accomplish as much without her wise counsel and patient advice.

We thank her tremendously and wish her the best in your future endeavours.

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