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CKA/ACK Board of Directors Opportunity – Call for Nominations

Submission Deadline:                        March 18th, 2019 17:00 ET


The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance/Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie (CKA/ACK) is currently accepting curriculum vitae (CVs) for individuals interested in joining our Board of Directors. All CVs will be considered; however preference will be given to those that meet the selection criteria including the following:


Mandatory Qualifications:

  • Must be individuals 18 years of age with power under law to contract;
  • A member of good standing;
  • Are able to travel to attend face-to-face meetings, or conferences;
  • Have access to the Internet and e-mail;
  • Are able to attend meetings via teleconference;
  • Are able and willing to serve for a given mandate of two (2) years to a maximum of three(3) consecutive mandates.
  • Are able to dedicate approximately 5 to 10 hours/month to various projects. Please note that time commitment required will vary throughout the year and is dependent on the portfolio; and
  • Excellent communication skills in either English or French.


Desirable Qualifications:

  • Have previous Board experience;
  • Bilingual in English and French.
  • We are specifically recruiting for directors with experience in business/ financial management, information technology, fundraising, government relations, and education.


Characteristics of a CKA / ACK Board Member Candidate

The ideal candidate should be able to represent the interests of their fellow Kinesiologists while assisting with the progression of the CKA/ACK initiatives. This individual should be well versed in the provincial and federal climate of the profession and have a general understanding of the Universities graduating Kinesiologists and the various courses offered within the programs. An appreciation of the history of their provincial kinesiology association and development of the profession in their province would be valuable.


Benefits of being a CKA/ACK Board member:

  • Development of project planning, communication, leadership and budgeting skills;
  • Satisfaction with enhancing the professions recognition and credibility nationally.
  • Education opportunities such as attending National or provincial conferences as requested
  • Travel opportunities – as this is a national position you will be required to travel at least twice per year to various destinations within Canada to attend meetings.
  • Networking opportunities – a variety of networking opportunities exist as the CKA/ACK main objective is to market the profession of Kinesiology nationally. This provides extensive opportunities to interact with other professional organizations and associations as well as federal constituents.


All interested individuals are asked to forward their CV and their picture to the CKA/ACK office by March 18th, 2019 17:00 ET via info@cka.ca

Application Form

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