The Kinesiology Association of Nova Scotia (KANS) was originally founded in 1997 with a vision to bring Kinesiologists together to work towards regulating and legislating the Kinesiology profession in Nova Scotia. The vision and name have been proudly reinstated as of November 2018, and we now have the full support of our National body - the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance - to help ensure our ongoing success. We are one of 8 affiliated provinces across Canada working together to legislate our profession and to establish a regulated practice Nation-wide. The KANS board members consist of both students and working professionals, and we are continuously expanding our network.
The Kinesiology Association of Nova Socia (KANS) is an association whose mission is to promote the science of human movement to other professionals and to community. The association exists to assist Kinesiologists in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, as well as in upholding the standards and ethics of the profession of Kinesiology. The KANS is a non profit organization, supported by membership dues, fund raising events and contributions.
KANS is a non-profit organisation govern by a Board of Director duly elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The 2022 Board of Director consiste of the following volunteers:
Contact: kinesiologynovascotia@gmail.com